Windows 10: New Anti-Debug OutputDebugStringW

Prior to Windows 10, OutputDebugStringW was only a dummy implementation. The function converted the input Unicode string to a simple Ansi string and calls the Ansi version of the function OutputDebugStringA internally. Now with Windows 10, Microsoft implemented the real Unicode function for OutputDebugString. Therefore, in the past it was enough to handle OutputDebugStringA for Anti-Anti-Debug purpose, now we have to defeat another Anti-Debug possibility. Continue reading

Anti-Debug NtQueryObject

NtQueryObject is another example of a known and underestimated anti-debug measurement. Most anti-debug articles describe (here or here) that we must call NtQueryObject with the class ObjectAllTypesInformation (Index number 3, but the correct name is ObjectTypesInformation). This class will return a list with all existing object types. But it is much better to call this function with class index number 2 ObjectTypeInformation. ObjectTypeInformation will only return the type information of the supplied handle. So how to get a debug handle? We simply create our own debug handle. This technique is very powerful to detect any debugger and no anti-anti-debug tool/plugin is currently able to defeat this. Continue reading

Anti-Debug Fiber Local Storage (FLS)

Peter Ferrie mentioned a nice trick in his Anti-Debugging Reference article with RtlProcessFlsData. He provided a “cryptic” example code in assembler. Although his example will work, there are a lot of open questions he doesn’t answer. His code is not usable in a productive environment and I wanted to demonstrate this trick with a more readable and solid example. This trick is very undocumented and I couldn’t find any further information with Google. This trick works since Vista. Fiber Local Storage (FLS) is similar to Thread Local storage (TLS), because a thread is created which can be used to execute some hidden stuff.
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Anti-Debug NtSetInformationThread

Most people who work with debuggers don’t really care about anti-debug tricks, because there are plenty of anti-anti-debug plugins e.g. StrongOD, Phantom, Stealth64, IdaStealth, HideDebugger, etc. and they do a great job against standard anti-debug tricks found in “anti-debug reference” articles (e.g. here). But most anti-debug articles simply copy & paste known source code without adjusting it. Most tricks work fine with Windows XP, but don’t work with Windows Vista/7/8, e.g. one of the worst anti-debug trick ever is kernel32!OutputDebugString. And some other known tricks can be updated and improved to work even better with Vista/7/8. Continue reading